Other things your host is wondering about.

NPR and Public Media

Its seems so quaint, but why does it has to be so hard.

Find a president that can help run the only important and relevant show left on the radio station.

“The Tiny Desk”

That show is the only thing that both NPR/PBS has that is worth anything. They lost Sesame Street to Warner Brothers, the Los Angeles station was gone some decades prior. The shortening of their talk shows and public affairs programs.

Chris Rufo has been on the offensive over the planned new presidency of NPR, Kathrine Mayer. Her words didnt not help her cause.

If her cause was anything but being the candidate for the president of NPR.

Folks, lets stop lying to ourselves about certain things. PBS has lost a whole bunch of “tentpoles”. Things that would have made PBS stand out. The reality of PBS is the same things that are facing every major public media outlet all over the world. The non-viable nature of the project.

The reality of the enterprise was simple. NET, as it was once called – was the first form of what HBO was to become. Now, granted – it wasn’t ever going to explicit as HBO is after 9:00. But it was going to be subversive. But it did educate. Period.

That era, and that promise – isnt anymore, outside of the The Tiny Desk. That show is the final gasp of a American enterprise that was NET/PBS-NPR. One that allowed local stations to air movies nearly uncut, some allowing Evanglion to air uncensored at a time Toonami couldnt even take chances with Tenchi Muyo. The network that allowed those local stations to air Dark Shadows and Doctor Who.

The one that had KNET/KPBS. That company is no more.

What you have is two forces with one holding the door preventing what PBS will now become, prada for the actual mega powers of the global left – Open Philamtropy and Gates. Its no longer American, its a global enterprise. You now see it for what it is?

All of it could be solved with the C-Span model. Nobody wants to pony up the cash.

Network TV will have less stars…

The day that we gonna see these stars will be less and less.

The reasons are simple. There are very few actors and actresses in America that can get beyond 8 million viewers. Very few.

Most of these actors will not move unless it fits a certain mode of life.

That mode of life isn’t not congruent to what the audience wants from the media.

The media entities are now making choices that will in 5 years, eliminate the whole concept of what we consider entertainment.

Most of these stars will be put more and more on the streaming services but continue to lose out.

If Catlin Clark in the next month gets northward of 9 million viewers for her first game in the WNBA – it will cause even more questions to be asked.

The sports world is slowly, if not surely; taking over every single aspect of Network TV. The strike of the actors did not help matters for their case.

It is going to be a very different world 5 years from now. The local affiliates and the networks have to make choices to survive – and sports may be the only way out of the nonsense a lot of the other parts of their business, especially news – has put them in.

It is going to get really, really rare to any sort of “star” in Network TV, let alone video games, let alone with most of the talkers squeezed out with “The Talk” who had outlived its usefulness, now gone. Yes, as Jerry Seinfield has stated – “Disorientation has replaced Movies.” And people are getting sea sick from this deliberate motion in the media ocean.



