About Myself…For Now

I made the choice to change my ideas on how I handle certain issues… I can learn from the teacher and apply it, but the teacher I trust very little.

I have my own life to lead, and in this life, I don’t trust anyone to understand what humanity does. I can have all the knowledge inside this head, but if I can’t push it to execution, then what is the use?

That’s why I have to move forward. But it’s not enough to just say it –I have to do it. For those reading this, you have to push forward in your own way.

Right now, I will focus on my work. Because if I learned anything from what those that have taught me, is that I am my own man and that my attitude is the only way that I can be free, and have true freedom in this world.

I have to work on my own stuff. Not hoping for success from anything I do. Because at the end of the day I realize that other people, other companies, other entities cannot give the truth of our world.

Because all humankind sees now from its youth is female objectification, male emasculation, theocracy masked as democracy, weakness of will becoming cries for retribution, the group over the individual. This is what hurts people. This is the reason people look for those that only want to destroy them.

I’m not here to disrupt business models or whatever newfangled trick these Venture Capitalist play. I’m not here to create “content” for companies for people to control people over.

Whether people want to read it, watch it, play with or not – I will make it for those that want to see it.

I am done being trapped, slaved over things, dreams and hopes created by other people. I’m done hearing, listening or even seeing the armchair quarterbacks doing what they do best, producing a counter factual history that doesn’t make any sense and never even existed. I’m done people using religion as the final crux to destroy other people and other ways of living life. I’m done dealing with governmental entities whose business is to be perverted to the nth degree, while they screw over the hood, and the sticks over the concept of “they look too dirty to live”. I’m done dealing with the fascists, the segregationists, the communists and the communitarians.

We have become soft in this country, unwilling to step up and do what has to be done to rescue not only ourselves but the generations to come. Neither the Boomers, GenXers or my generation, The Millennials will take up the challenge because to do so means looking themselves in the mirror and admitting that they’ve been lying to themselves while idolizing thieves and fraudsters.

I’m through with the lies of “its for the kids” when the kids everywhere are treated like second class. Overrated? Maybe – but never undervalued like they are now by everyone and everything in the western media.

You want to “let it go” and sing songs of the Ice Queen? That’s fine, but that means your hearts are really made of Ice that can’t be melted.

You folks want to sing with these CGI characters from Love Life and collect their cards for super rare looks of her panties over in Japan? Sure, go ahead, sho ga nai.

It doesn’t matter.

The Young Man of the West Says, Fuck Damnation and Fuck Redemption

The Old Man Says:  It’s time to enjoy what I have left of life instead of lamenting what could be.

In the end, it doesn’t matter what each generation says about how life should be lived.

What matters is what you do with your life…

What matters is what I do with mine.

Love Me or Hate Me…

I’m Just Going to Be ME.

And that’s all one asks.