How Youtube “Gaming” fell. The story of Miss Corbis and the Cyberculturewar.

This may be the shortest essay i have done, but i want to get to a few points that people need to think really deeply about.

In recent days, a eleven year old girl nicknamed LtCorbis has gain over 200,000 subs in a 14 day period. To give you some background, the fine brothers lost over a million subs in less than 7 days after the react world announcement.

LtCorbis considered her start from a posting from a youtuber named Pyrocynical (The Worst Thing in all Youtube was the vid). But that wasnt true.

The video that started her rise was the reaction against the Buzzfeed Video concerning how men were going to be hired in the company. It was posted to reddit…

Then the new queen of youtube – an 11 year old girl…

Was made.

I had to sit down and think about this deeply.

Has things gotten that bad?

I mean Kiraq has some streams on twitch, and pretty much says the exact same things as Corbis … her follow count is at 60,000… Corbis is about a third of  the way and growing.

Even though Kiraq is considered by some to be a “boobystreamer” (she isn’t) she is a damn good cod player last i checked.

Corbis shouldnt even be allowed to play those games.

This is the moment we got to think about these things.

if we going to put 11 year old girls on goddess pedestals, because she isnt doing that same nonsense of hating men or etc of those much older than her, we are in much, much deeper trouble  than we fucking realize.

Have we as men, (at least in the working class circles, which gaming occupies) given up on grown females because we feel as though they have become mercs?

If that’s the case we need to get over it. Because no female should ever give you the type of day you want. Its not fucking possible. Of course they gonna merc. Men have been forced to change, and in many places rightfully so. The sad truth is that women in the same interim haven’t – that with all of the changes we gave to them, the rules for men dont apply to women.

To put Corbis in this type of pedestal is scary. Especially for a child in this modern age of social media. ESPECIALLY a female child, which is some of the reasons why the cyber-culture wars continue is to get people like Corbis into the positions of coding etc in the industry once she reaches of age.

Even though the whole thing is reaching HyperCringe Levels, Corbis has high point to point intelligence (as in she can repeat back what she has learned and retain it at a high level), goes to a school that doesnt take no for an answer and has a loving home with two parents (who are avid gamer – has to be)

But it showcases how far down the rabbit hole we have come.

But i know the reasons why people are supporting Corbis.

She, even if coached is telling the truth to the working and middle class, how the upper classes are starting to shame innocent people into accepting disaster capitalism, and accepting evil as the next form of light. This is not class war pablum, this is actual reality and both the left wing and the right wing establishment have admitted to such in recent articles.

Its that men and women have lost all trust as adults – and it seems to me that they want to accept not so much a childlike aura, or even rediscovered a childhood, no.

Becoming infantlized is the only place to go because both men and women have forgotten that life is meant to be an experience, and not some sort of biological checklist created and maintained by an ad agency or by political machines of right or left…

I read the comments and its sad to see.

Not only they want to have Corbis’s babies and “joking” about age (if shes 11, im 11), they are giving her subs by the bucketload. In a better world, she would be talking about Glitter Force/Pretty Cure with mother and other sister (if she had one) in toe – and have subs of a fairer number.

It would have been (and should be) Kilraq and the other streamers who would have gone against the regressives trying to destroy gaming, while eventstatus/DocRetakgo/BlackBond would be on equal standing with the GradeUnderA/ReviewTechUSA/Rageholic etc.

But the world doesnt work that way, nor the way it should. HouseBoyShamer goes on the BreakfastClub lying about his 20,000 games, Nathan Fucking Grayson still gets to fucking lie while he drowns himself in tears, the regressive objectors still as a ear to the mainstream news class and low level cable documentarians, and now the United States is being broken apart because people have reached the point that spitefulness is the only way to survive there lot in the world.

So our generation of males (some, very few but their voices are blaring out because of the subs Corbis is getting) are ready to make an 11 year old girl the goddess of the internet…

Meanwhile, our generation of females are ready to turn 11 year old boys into simps and slaves because one dude stared too long, and the other gave another girl a love note – and 5 year old boys into criminals because they asked a damn question they dont have any context to.

Take a hard look at yourselves this week

Tell me if your truly worthy you should be called men…

Tell me if your truly worthy if you should be even called a woman.

Because I dont see it.

And i doubt as i get older, i ever will.