What can you expect for the Final Season of the “Lets Play Series” Starting April 29th?

Well, we are reaching the final days of the PlayStation Zeitgeist on Youtube and this webportal. It has been good fun but the changes needed leading to the end of the usable lifespan of this project are needed.

First off, Fire Pro Wrestling Friday’s will not change. Fire Pro’s PPV’s (Title Based Monthly Supercards) will not change. There will be a addition however – A “Docuseries” of sorts using Fire Promoter. What ever happened to the 15 wrestlers from Fire Pro D and R to today? It will air in the next couple of weeks.

This leads to the final games and the other things of note – The schedule days have not changed. The schedule times have. And these games that I play, will not tell the story nor have major spoilers. So if I get deep in the game – tough luck. I given enough – and now looking back – too much. Too many people now are living through peoples experiences and not living the experiences (either due to poverty, vainglorious behavior, media manipulation, ease of use or all four of these reasons) of these games. It isnt right. I no longer want to be apart of this problem. So there will be a smattering of games throughout the PS4 games I own that will be played on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Morning, Saturday Night, and Some Sundays. They will only be one hour long (I will time it out.) And it will not be the same game. So it could be a older game it could be a newer one. It doesn’t matter.

The only exception to this rule is Fighting Games. And since there will be at least “4” fighting games ready before any sort of announcement of “Death Stranding” comes to the fore, you will see most of the offline and online action for these games.

There is another thing. This last season isn’t so much as its a season – its more of a long goodbye to an area of video games that the people monetarily chosen to be the stewards of the video game industry wish to get rid of. And it isn’t just about Censorship as a whole – its the single player experience from narrative to design is being censored and pigeonholed into one way of doing things. It doesn’t work. It never will, and its the reason why the unmitigated success of Fortnite is deeply telling and deeply troubling.

We have made excuses for bad games and their add-ons. Now we live in a time that the entertainment industry is so bad all across the board with very few exceptions (and I know many of the reasons why, especially when it comes to the Kid Industries and so on) that watching other people playing video games has become the go to source of entertainment which increasingly defeats the very reasons of playing the game. This site and the YouTube Channel for as long as it up will no longer be the perpetrator for that kind of nonsense.

But, in before you folks would say; “You dont do reviews anymore! You dont do news anymore – you dont do anything you planned or wanted to do on the site – The Youtube Channel will be pretty much done outside of Fire Pro Wrestling World after Death Stranding ends and after Fire Pro’s Last Planned DLC… your done – your gone… what the use?”

Its simple. I want to finish what i start. I want there to be a complete ending to this chapter of life. I want people to see as Youtube change everything around us that there was a place that had no Paterons, No Superchats, and did video game reviews when the person finished the game. And never took a Youtube Monetariation scheme nor used Google AdSense. That it could be done. That it will be done just for the fun of it.

Maybe somebody else will be inspired from all of this and find a way to do its own or improve on it. That folks never truly needed other peoples money or other peoples middle management of money to proclaim the love we have for a certain medium or genre. That what killed all of this was the political and social changes in many western countries that effect these and other platforms and ultimately – the PlayStation Zeitgeist and many others of its ilk – were literally sold by those at the top a false bill (not really a bill, more like a promise) of goods that users like myself and others would be able to find like minded people to join and be like other human beings around a certain culture or genre or medium.

It turns out not to be the case. And what we are left with is Fyre Festivals of spiritually empty aesthetics, empty calls of uplift from those so lost in the one of greatest misuse and abuse of cultural appropriation ever devised and created in the history of the world, and whats is worse than all of this a massive, damaging narrative that is going to cause the breakdown of the whole video game industry – that there is only one aesthetically, cultural, marketable, and technologically successful way to make video games (single player in particular) – the SIEA way and no one else can measure up because the talent (once fired) is not coming back, the talent that is hired are not as good, the talent that are hired that are serviceable doesn’t have the artistic aesthetics culturally or socially (because they came from social economic backgrounds or other countries that never had developed or worse had dumbed down their artistic talents because of worries of corrupting the population) and you know when i mention aesthetics i mean the look and texture of many a male and a majority of the female characters in these games both as features and as how they can stand as icons in a genre/medium.

Its all being made into the Fyre Festival – the burning man of nothingness as you go into the burning embers of a dying company that no longer sells the tools of games, but a beedy eyed toy with no articulation, no hope and no joy. The sadness of a generation of emptyness.

And that’s why The PlayStation Zeitgeist has to end when Death Stranding ends. Because from such endings brings a new start and a new inspiration to take the mantel one started and to leave the world better than it was before. That we stand at the shoulders of the masters of the craft and we only put a little into the tapestry that is this Video Game Medium. But that may have been all that has ever been needed.

Let the World Be.

For that is the word, for the wise.

See all of you at the end, of the age… starting April 29th…